The Lindsay Chronicles

"Come what may and love it." -Joseph B. Worthlin

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Gone but Not Forgotten

Today I was putting a few odds and ends away in Graham's box of stuff. And as I sat there going through a few things I was bothered, bothered that now that Graham is gone I put his things away, in a spare bedroom, out of sight. I did this for many reasons, protection and safety obviously because we have so few things that I couldn't bear for any of them to be lost or broken. But also out of sight, I think, for my healing, I don't think I could always look at everything everyday. I already see a lot everyday, it seems that everytime I go in there I sit and rummage through a few things. But it seems that when things are out of sight we seem to forget. It bothered me that I would forget a lot, that eventually my kids might forget who Graham is, and that in reality, so many people will forget Graham, or never even knew he existed. Maybe it's a good thing that people don't know or that as time goes on it's not a painful subject that is brought up, but the fact is that I don't ever want to forget Graham, I want everyone to know him. I want people to know that his mission was short, but so sweet and very influential. That his life changed mine completely. He came in part to make me a better person, and that his life was way too good to be forgotten.


  1. Graham won't be forgotten, he came and lived and will forever be a part of your family and our extended family. We won't ever forget him or you and the sacrifices it's taken to walk this road. I think he'll be around, especially for those big things in your life- his reminder will live on until you are with him again. Love can't be forgotten.

  2. I will always remember and count your family as five. You and Mike HAVE another son and your children HAVE a brother. I can't bear when people ask Michael if he HAD another brother...we HAVE him, always. :)

  3. I think that the people that know you will have a hard time forgetting sweet Graham. He has impacted so many it would be hard to forget such a sweet spirit.
