The Lindsay Chronicles

"Come what may and love it." -Joseph B. Worthlin

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A Gift in the Mail

Yesterday I received a special gift in the mail. We got the pictures our photographer from Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep. I've been waiting for these for a while and yesterday was a good day to get them. Sweet reminders of our little angel baby, and he does look like an angel in these photos. It's a good reminder to me that the short five hours we had with him was worth all the pain, definitely worth it all.

A huge thank you to Kimberlee Kenner for taking these photos. NILMDTS is a great organization that helps so many families during their time of need, please let people know about this great organization and their programs.


  1. He is a beautiful perfect little angel!

  2. These are so touching. Yes, he is beautiful indeed.

  3. Great pictures....definitely a gift to be treasured. Graham is a beautiful little boy!

  4. We are blessed to have 'Our Graham Angel' watching over us always. It will be a sweet reunion some day.

  5. Those are beautiful pictures ;) Very precious.

  6. Beautiful pictures, Quinn! Precious moments. :)

  7. GREAT photos. Glad you finally got them :). Seems like she captured the day wonderfully. What sweet keepsakes.

  8. These are beautiful pictures what a handsome little guy!!I love each and everyone of these!! How special!!
