The Lindsay Chronicles

"Come what may and love it." -Joseph B. Worthlin

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Libby's First Day of Pre-School

Today is Libby's first day of pre-school. And I really have mixed emotions about sending her off today. It really is another of my love/hate relationships. It will be so nice to have a couple hours to myself, three times a week, and the goal is to make it to the gym. But really I'll be an empty nester for a couple of hours and that's sad too, because it reminds me of how my life plans changed abruptly a few months ago. But Libby is excited to go to Mrs. Hansen's this afternoon. She's all ready to be a big girl and go to school.
Libby also started a new Pre-K Choir/Music class. It's a nice little class where they sing, play games and instruments and learn more about music, so it's right up her ally. She had a blast this morning so hopefully she'll like it for the rest of the year.
And we had to post all the pictures, because in pure "Libby style" she had to pose about 10 times for the camera :)

1 comment:

  1. Cute pictures of Libby! She looks all grown up and ready to tackle the world. Good luck with your extra time- at least you have a plan :).
