The Lindsay Chronicles

"Come what may and love it." -Joseph B. Worthlin

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Finding My Blog Again

I've been slacking on the blog posting, really I'm just in a weird transition of finding myself again and the direction the blog is going. For the entire life of this blog it has been centered around Graham and the insights I've had during that time. Now I feel like my insights are gone, I think they're still there but for some reason they're harder to get out now. I'm finding that life continues on and I'm still needing to journal our life events, but right now everyday life happens so fast and I'm hanging on the best I can. But I was reminded tonight that I need to be writing down all the funny things my kids do so that we can remember them down the road, and my life is filled with lots of crazy kid moments.

Mitch is all boy, starting to think he's a grown up boy, and that his mom doesn't know anything and can't do much right. He's really into sports and wishes that we'd change his name to Jimmer Lindsay. Mitch told me yesterday that boys are always better than girls and that we didn't need girls. So I asked him what he would do if his dad had to do everything, like fix dinner and clean and get him all the places he needs to go? He quickly fixed his opinion. He needs his mom, but no other girls and then decided that really boys are just better at sports than girls. Mitch had his first Blue and Gold banquet tonight so we had our first shot at cake decorating(bad mom, didn't get a picture) Mitch is really into watching Cake Boss and other shows like that where they make extravagant cakes, he told me ours didn't measure up. I thought we were close enough.

Libby is SOOO full on energy I can't keep up. Today we were at the dollar store and she got a little make-up kit. I didn't realize it was real make-up until we got home, then she looked like a clown. We were getting ready to leave tonight for the Church and I had wiped her face off, only to turn around 5 minutes later and her face was caked with make-up again, I have no pride anymore so she got to go to the banquet like that and she was thrilled at how many comments she got. Libby is quite spoiled, and everyone knows it. She wanted to play with one of Mitch's toys the other day and he told her no. She came up and told me she wanted Mitch to go back to being a baby. I asked why? She said because then she could play with all his toys and he couldn't do anything about it.

Graham is now referred to as a booger in our house thanks to Grandma JoAnn. Grandma told the kids the other day that Graham was a cute little BUGGER, and both kids thought she said BOOGER, so they came home and tattled on Grandma that she thought Graham was a booger.

More great things to come in a future post.

1 comment:

  1. It's crazy how different boys and girls are, even as babies! I love that you let Libby wear her makeup. You only get to do stuff like that when you are a kid!
