These last few weeks I've been stuck in a rut. I've been sad, stressed and feeling sorry for myself and wishing that EVERYTHING in life was just peaches and cream. But it's not, no one's life is. So I've been working to get out of this rut, to find myself in a happy place again. So thanks to reading lots of blogs over the last couple weeks I feel like I'm headed in the right direction (especially once I'm done working for the summer!) First, I read about the 30 Day Challenge. This was a challenge to make time every day for 30 days to do the things that bring you closer to Heavenly Father. For me that was reading my scriptures and saying prayers first thing in the morning. I'll admit when I first started I was up before my kids and it was heaven to get that done before they got up. But lately it's been when I find a spare minute before the day is over. I look back over the last year and a half and I was in a good place with my Heavenly Father. I relied so heavily on Him because I had no where else to turn. But as time has gone on and life doesn't have those severe trials, I've become lax, and in turn I can tell I'm not as close to my Heavenly Father as I wish I were. So I'm working my way back to that, trying to never let the everyday life take over everything.
But I've read over a few other blogs this week that really put my life back into perspective and make me realize just how blessed I am. Today I read a blog from a father who is close to bringing a son into the world with some serious medical conditions. He was feeling tremendously blessed and seeing many miracles brought about by his Heavenly Father. I remember that time for me. We were so blessed in every aspect in our life before and after Graham made his entrance to the world. And we witnessed many miracles, and much heartache all at the same time. But one last blog reminded me about how these trials are for our good. That the heartache and pain we feel is because we have a loving Heavenly Father that is trying to teach us, and mold us into the people we need to be to return to Him. So I'm grateful that I can remember the eternal perspective. That we are not here on Earth for things to be easy. We are tried and tested, and hopefully we prove ourselves and we can return to our Heavenly Home.
Slow Start
1 week ago
I found a blog and have followed it for the past couple of years. It is the "Macs." Is this where you read about the 30 day challenge? Jess and her husband are not my same religion but she is quite amazing and has such faith in Christ. I love her blog. She lost her first child,her daughter due to a heart condition. She has since had two boys.