It was two years ago that I started reading lots of mommy blogs. As I look back, I honestly can say I found them for a reason. I never searched any blog out in particular or necessarily knew what I was looking for. But I came across many blogs, usually blog hopping to one and the blog hopping again and finding another. These mommy blogs were the reason I started my blog. They were my lifeline in a way at the time. These mom's had been through what I was going through. I could relate to them in a way that I couldn't relate to anyone around me. I could read some of their deepest emotions, and feel comfort because I was feeling the EXACT same way. It was comforting to know that what I was feeling was part of the grieving process, that I wasn't going crazy. Although the details of our stories were different, the end was the same, we had empty arms and broken hearts. Our worlds had literally been shattered and we tried our hardest to put them back together. I've met many mommy bloggers over the last two years, and felt this friendship with so many of them even though we've never met in person. I've been a vigilent reader of their ups and downs, and they've read mine and left many kind messages of care and concern. As my life has changed, and my world has been rebuilt and healing has come, I still love to read these blogs. I read so many of the same things that I've gone through. The comfort of having another baby, and yet the bittersweet pain that still hurts you everyday. I read some blogs of mothers that are just starting the grieving process, and my heart breaks for them, knowing exactly what they are feeling, and only wanting to comfort them in some way. You see how far you've come, how much you've grown, and your compassion and empathy is neverending for those moms in the same situations. I'm so grateful for these mommy blogs, for sharing their experiences to help me through mine, and hopefully my blog will help those that read in some way. Heaven knows, this blog has been a lifesaver, and much cheaper than therapy!
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