The Lindsay Chronicles

"Come what may and love it." -Joseph B. Worthlin

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Where did she come from???

Today Libby woke up with a runny nose and by 11 o'clock her nose was sore. So here was her solution. Put a band-aid on it, a band-aid makes everything better.

She's crying and upset but can still say "cheese" for the camera, what a girl.

Now she decided that one band-aid wasn't enough so she put on two, I told her she wouldn't be able to breath, but she kept saying "my nose is bleeding" so she got her way. At this point she was really upset, not sure if it was more because her nose hurt or she was ticked that I couldn't stop laughing.

And 10 minutes later she's passed out! Whew! I managed to get one band-aid off so she won't suffocate. What can I say, she's quite the girl and I needed a good laugh today!

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious! Libby is a cutie. She looks so blond in these pics! Fun memories.
