The Lindsay Chronicles

"Come what may and love it." -Joseph B. Worthlin

Saturday, October 30, 2010

A Crazy Busy Week

New story of my life, it seems like we're always crazy busy! Busy with kids, work, church and everything in between. This week was busier than most, but super good. Sunday was our Primary program and Mitch did a great job as usual. I can tell he's getting older because he told me he wasn't going to sing when he got up there, but he's not too old yet because he was singing his little heart out. Libby was so disappointed that she couldn't go up, (bummer part of having a January birthday). I love the new primary songs they add every year and the new song "I Know That My Savior Loves Me" was awesome and brought me to tears.

Libby has been in a little Pre-K choir and this week was their first concert. It was so cute and she's been singing ever since. A few of their songs were about fishing and they were so funny.

Finding their places on stage. The kids were so wiggly during the concert, it was so funny, mostly because it wasn't Libby being super wiggly (it's always better when it's not your kid)!

Johnny Works with Two Hammers

"Minnows, minnows everywhere. They're swimming in my underwear! AHHHH!"

One of their funny songs

On Friday Mike and my dad took the kids fishing and they had a great time. They caught quite a few fish and were very proud of them! Libby was more interested in the hot dog roasting than fishing, but overall Mike said she did pretty good.

Mike's Golden Trout. Kinda creepy looking!

We've had a week full of Halloween festivities as well! Between story time and school parties and Halloween carnivals things were a little crazy. I kept telling myself to get pics of the kids early in the week, but I thought I'd get them on Saturday, but Mitch came down with the stomach flu and so they didn't go trick or treating. I was bummed that Mitch was sick because we had planned to stay the weekend in Salt Lake with my cousin Allison and her family, but it seems like whenever we have something planned with Al and her family one of our kids always get sick. Libby and I still made it down to Salt Lake for my Uncle Ted and Josie's wedding and had a great time with my parents, Marcus, and the crew at the wedding! So that's a condensed version of our week. Hopefully next week won't be quite so crazy busy.

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