The Lindsay Chronicles

"Come what may and love it." -Joseph B. Worthlin

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Terrible Tooth

So I need another picture, but this one will have to do for now.

We've been fighting with Mitch to get this loose tooth out for the last couple of weeks. It has been the hardest, most painful thing for Mitch to get it out, but yet he's mad that he's one of the last ones his age to lose one of his top teeth. So tonight as we were getting ready for bed I had Mitch lay down with me so I could wiggle his tooth for a minute, he wasn't going to let Mike touch it (he already burned his bridges by wiggling too much) So I wiggled and wiggled and then tied a piece of floss around his tooth and let him tug at it, and then he wanted the floss off, but it wouldn't come off because it was so far under his tooth. So I told Mitch the only way he was getting the floss off was to pull out his tooth, and then I lost it, I couldn't quit laughing, and then he threw a HUGE tantrum and Mike came up because he couldn't believe how ridiculous Mitch was being. Mike was tired of listening to him, so he grabbed the floss, picked Mitch up off the floor with the string ( a little exaggerated) and then POP, the tooth flew out. Mitch cried and cried some more, and Libby cried and cried too. And we searched for the tooth, finally found it and got it ready for the tooth fairy. Boy, that was one terribly, traumatic, tooth-pulling experience, and Mitch made sure to tell me that the reason he didn't want to lose his tooth was that a "new, big, weird tooth would grow in and he'd look funny." You're right Mitch, you're gonna look kinda funny for a while with your new, big tooth.


  1. That's hilarious!!! I can just see it all happening right now. Hopefully his next tooth will come out a little smoother.

  2. My favorite part is Mike holding him up by the floss. So Classic! tOOTH DRAMA IS the WORST- because it's so irrational. Good luck with the next one...may it be infinately better!

  3. That's so funny and classic Mitch! He is going to look funny with his "big" tooth, but he will still be so darn cute!

  4. I seriously cannot stop laughing at this story... and why did his sister cry! I would have laughed too if I were you!

  5. Libby has been telling everyone that her tooth was loose too, and I think the combination of Mitch crying and seeing the tooth come out with the blood scared her. Poor girl, but she got over it quick
