The Lindsay Chronicles

"Come what may and love it." -Joseph B. Worthlin

Monday, October 18, 2010

First Annual Pumpkin Carving

During Halloween we usually just paint faces, or draw faces (lame) but easy with little kids. This year Mitch was dead set on carving pumpkins. So we started our first annual pumpkin carving night.

Mitch was so excited until we cut the top off and told him to take out the "guts" He freaked out and thought it was so disgusting and wouldn't do it. So Mike and I got all the pumpkins gutted and ready to carve. Mitch did pretty good carving, Libby lost interest real quick. It was a fun night and we ended up with some cute pumpkins.

Our finished products!


  1. We also carved pumpkins for family home evening. Hallie wanted the same "Trick or Treat" pattern that you guys did. It was a bugger!!

  2. Cute! They look great. We just barely went to the "Pumpkin Patch" last night for FHE and picked out our pumpkins! I think we'll carve ours next FHE!

  3. They turned out so great. We do them every year and every year we forget how much work they are! Fun memories for the kids, but I bet Mike did most the work! Our kids are grossed out by the guts too!

  4. They look AWESOME! Wish we lived close enough to come stop in and see them in person. I would bring you treats-- cause I'm crafty like that ; )

  5. Seriously wish you did live closer!!!! One day we'll have to meet in person, one day!
